5965 Damaged Wheel Nut Remover 1/2"D 3pc

1/2" Drive Consumable Item Manufactured from Chrome Molybdenum

A set of three wheel nut sockets for damaged wheel nuts.

  • Special profile grips damaged or rounded wheel nuts or bolts.
  • Size: 17, 19 and 21mm deep sockets.
  • Manufactured from chrome molybdenum with black phosphate finish.
  • Supplied in a blow-moulded case for storage.
  • Consumable.
TSP: £42.96 ex VAT £51.55 inc VAT

A set of three wheel nut sockets for damaged wheel nuts.

  • Löser für beschädigte Radmuttern, 1/2"-Antrieb, 3-teilig
  • Spezialprofil greift beschädigte oder rundgedrehte Muttern oder Schrauben
  • Größe: 17/19/21 mm tiefe Einsätze
  • Aus SCM440 mit Manganphosphat
  • Lieferung im Hartschalenkasten für die Aufbewahrung
TSP: £42.96 ex VAT £51.55 inc VAT

Jeu de trois douilles pour écrous de roue endommagés.

  • Le profil des douilles s'accrochent sur les boulons ou écrous arrondis
  • Tailles: 17, 19 et 21mm en douille longue
  • Fournis dans une boite métalique avec mousse
  • Fabrication en Chrome molybdène avec une finition en phosphate noire
  • Consommable
TSP: £42.96 ex VAT £51.55 inc VAT

Demontagegereedschap voor beschadigde wielmoeren 1/2”D, 3 stuks

  • Het speciale profiel heeft grip op beschadigde of afgeronde wielmoeren of -bouten.
  • Afmetingen: Doppen met een diepte van 17, 19, 21 mm.
  • Gemaakt van chroom-molybdeen met zwarte fosfaatafwerking.
  • Geleverd in een blaasgegoten bewaarkoffer.
  • Verbruiksartikel.
TSP: £42.96 ex VAT £51.55 inc VAT
1/2" Drive Consumable Item Manufactured from Chrome Molybdenum
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Press Release
New wheel nut removers make light work of damaged and rounded-off wheel nuts

Worn, damaged or rounded-off wheel nuts can be difficult to remove and resorting to a hammer and chisel or an angle grinder can harm the operator as well as damaging the wheel stud. The special profile of these deep wheel nut sockets (part no 5965) from Laser Tools is designed to securely grip and bite into the damaged nut resulting in speedy removal.

The set of three 17mm, 19mm and 21mm sockets are manufactured from high strength SCM440 grade alloy steel with a manganese phosphate surface finish and supplied in a handy case for neat storage in the tool box.

For further details, please contact the Marketing Department: 01926 818196

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