8018 Vacuum Tester & Brake Bleed Kit
Automotive test, tune up and brake bleed vacuum pump with adaptor kit. Ideal for a wide variety of automotive applications.
- Applications for car and motorcycle include: brake and clutch bleeding, fluid extraction, vacuum valve testing (turbo, EGR), fuel pressure regulator testing.
- Kit includes: 1 vacuum pump, 1 fluid reservoir (4.5floz), 3 reservoir caps and 5 fluid hoses.
- 2 universal bleed screw adaptors and 8 tapered adaptors.
- 1 T-joint, 1 straight joint and 1 cupped joint.
- Pump flow rate = 1in³ per stroke. Gauge: 0 to -30In/Hg (inches of Mercury). 0 to -760mm/Hg (millimeters of Mercury).
TSP: £36.40 ex VAT £43.68 inc VAT
Vakuumpumpe mit Adapterset zum Prüfen, Einstellen und Entlüften von Kfz-Bremsen. Ideal für eine Vielzahl von Kfz-Anwendungen.
- Einsatzmöglichkeiten bei Autos und Motorrädern u.a.: Brems- und Kupplungsentlüftung, Flüssigkeitsabsaugung, Vakuumventilprüfung (Turbo, AGR), Prüfung des Benzindruckreglers.
- Inhalt des Sets: 1 Flüssigkeitsbehälter (0,127 l), 3 Deckel, 5 Anschlussschläuche
- 2 Universal-Entlüfternippel-Adapter, 8 Kegeladapter
- 1 Schlauchadapter (T-Stück), 1 Schlauchadapter (gerade) und ein Schlauchadapter (hohl)
- Pumpen-Volumenstrom = 1 in³ pro Hub Manometer: 0 bis -30 inHg (Zoll Quecksilbersäule). 0 bis -760 mmHg (Millimeter Quecksilbersäule).
TSP: £36.40 ex VAT £43.68 inc VAT
Kit de test automobile, de réglage et de pompe à vide de purge de frein avec adaptateur. Idéal pour une grande variété d'applications automobiles.
- Applications voitures et motos : purge de frein et d'embrayage, extraction de fluides, test de vanne à vide (turbo, RGE), test de régulateur de pression de carburant.
- Le kit comprend : un réservoir de liquide (128 ml), trois bouchons de réservoir, cinq tuyaux de liquide.
- Deux adaptateurs universels de vis de purge, huit adaptateurs coniques.
- Un raccord en T, un raccord droit et un raccord incurvé.
- Débit de pompe = 1,6 cm³ par course. Jauge : 0 à 762 mm/Hg (millimètres de mercure).
TSP: £36.40 ex VAT £43.68 inc VAT
Vacuümtester en remontluchtingsset voor auto's en motorfietsen met adapterset. Ideaal voor uiteenlopende toepassingen in de autobranche.
- Toepassingen voor auto's en motorfietsen omvatten: rem en koppeling ontluchten, vloeistoffen aftappen, vacuümtest (turbo, EGR), testen van de brandstofdrukregelaar.
- Set bevat: vacuümpomp, 1 vloeistofreservoir (1,3 dl), 3 reservoirdoppen, 5 vloeistofslangen.
- 2 universele ontluchtingsschroefadapters, 8 tapse adapters.
- 1 T-koppeling, 1 rechte koppeling en komvormige koppeling.
- Pompdebiet = 1 in³ per slag. Meetbereik: 0 tot -30 In/Hg (inch kwik). 0 tot -760 mm/Hg (millimeter kwik).
TSP: £36.40 ex VAT £43.68 inc VAT
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Press Release
Vacuum tester and suction brake bleeder kit
New from Laser Tools is this automotive test, tune up and brake bleed vacuum pump with adaptor kit (part number 8018). Ideal for a wide variety of automotive applications, such as tune-ups, diagnostics and testing, one-man brake and clutch bleeding and liquid siphoning. Ideal for fault diagnosis on internal combustion engines: the hand-operated vacuum pump in combination with the accurate vacuum gauge enables the monitoring of actual manifold vacuum, an invaluable aid to troubleshooting engine faults.
Static testing: easily diagnose vacuum and pressure-related systems such as ignition system vacuum advance, mechanical fuel pumps, carburettor vacuum control systems, fuel injection pressure regulators, EGR valves, one-way valves, electric vacuum solenoids, thermal vacuum switches, vacuum-operated control systems such as heating and air-conditioning valves, flaps and controls, vacuum-operated central locking systems, automatic transmission vacuum-operated modulator valves and brake servo diaphragms, etc. The vacuum pump is supplied with a fluid reservoir and hoses, plus a selection of adaptors including brake and clutch bleed screw adaptors.
The kit is available now from your local Laser Tools stockist.