8338 EV Battery Lifting Frame - for 4/6 Point Lifting SWL 700kg

Made in Sheffield Made in the United Kingdom Tools suitable for working on Hybrid Vehicles Product Video available

A fully adjustable and universal EV battery lifting system, suitable for all types of underslung/skateboard style of EV batteries (max SWL: 700kg), suitable for both four and six point lifting requirements. Made in UK.

  • Main lifting beam with moveable lifting eye, for use with workshop lifting hoist/engine crane (1 tonne model required, Part No. 8337).
  • Three transverse beams, with adjustable lifting brackets (2x beams for 4-point lifting, 3x beams for 6-point lifting).
  • Six adjustable chain slings, plus 6 each of M12, M16 and M20 eyebolts for attachment to EV battery lifting points.
  • SWL: 700kg, tested to 50% overload capacity. Specifically designed for lifting and moving EV batteries when they have been removed from the vehicle. Ideal for use in conjunction with Laser EV Battery Mobile Adjustable Bench, Part No. 8339.
  • Made in Sheffield. UK registered design.
TSP: £3136.00 ex VAT £3763.20 inc VAT

Vollständig einstellbares und universelles Hebesystem für Batterien von Elektrofahrzeugen, geeignet für alle Arten von Batterien mit Unterhängung/Rollgestell (max. Tragfähigkeit: 700 kg), geeignet für Vier- oder Sechs-Punkt-Hebeanforderungen.

  • Haupthubtraverse mit beweglicher Hebeöse, zur Verwendung mit Werkstatthebezeug/Motorkran (1-Tonnen-Modell erforderlich, Teile-Nr. 8337).
  • Drei Querträger mit verstellbaren Hebebügeln (2 Träger für 4-Punkt-Hebevorgang, 3x Träger für 6-Punkt-Hebevorgang).
  • Sechs verstellbare Kettenschlingen sowie je 6 M12-, M16- und M20-Ösenschrauben zur Befestigung an den Hebepunkten der Elektrofahrzeugbatterie.
  • Tragfähigkeit: 700 kg, geprüft mit 50 % Überlast.
  • Speziell entwickelt für das Anheben und Bewegen von Elektrofahrzeugbatterien, sobald diese aus dem Fahrzeug entfernt wurden. Ideal für die Verwendung mit der mobilen, verstellbaren Laser-Elektrofahrzeugbatteriebank, Teile-Nr. 8339.
TSP: £3136.00 ex VAT £3763.20 inc VAT

Système de levage de batteries de véhicules électriques entièrement réglable et universel, adapté à tous les types de batteries de véhicules électriques (CMU : 700 kg), convenant aux exigences de levage à quatre ou six points.

  • Palonnier principal avec anneau de levage mobile, à utiliser avec un palan/pont de moteur d'atelier (modèle de 1 tonne requis, référence n° 8337).
  • Trois traverses, avec supports de levage réglables (2 pour le levage à 4 points, 3 pour le levage à 6 points).
  • Six élingues chaînes réglables, plus 6 boulons à œil M12, M16 et M20 pour la fixation aux points de levage des batteries des véhicules électriques.
  • CMU : 700 kg, testé à 50 % de capacité de surcharge.
  • Spécialement conçu pour soulever et déplacer les batteries des véhicules électriques lorsqu'elles ont été déposées. Idéal pour une utilisation en conjonction avec le banc mobile réglable pour batterie de VE Laser, référence n° 8339.
TSP: £3136.00 ex VAT £3763.20 inc VAT

Een volledig verstelbaar en universeel hijssysteem voor EV-batterijen, geschikt voor alle types van EV-batterijen in underslung/skateboard-stijl (max. SWL: 700 kg), geschikt voor zowel vier- als zespunts heffen. Geproduceerd in het Verenigd Koninkrijk.

  • Hoofdhijsbalk met beweegbaar hijsoog, voor gebruik met werkplaatshijslift/motorkraan (model van 1 ton vereist, onderdeelnr. 8337).
  • Drie dwarsbalken, met verstelbare hijsbeugels (2x balken voor 4-punts hijsen, 3x balken voor 6-punts hijsen).
  • Zes verstelbare kettingstroppen, plus M12-, M16- en M20-oogbouten (6 van elk) voor bevestiging aan de hijspunten van de EV-batterij.
  • SWL: 700 kg, getest op 50% overbelastbaarheid. Specifiek ontworpen voor het optillen en verplaatsen van EV-batterijen wanneer ze uit de auto zijn verwijderd. Ideaal voor gebruik in combinatie met de mobiele verstelbare bank voor EV-batterijen van Laser, onderdeelnr. 8339.
  • Gemaakt in Sheffield. Ontwerp geregistreerd in het VK.
TSP: £3136.00 ex VAT £3763.20 inc VAT
Made in Sheffield Made in the United Kingdom Tools suitable for working on Hybrid Vehicles Product Video available
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Press Release
Safely remove heavy EV batteries with these two new products

Electric vehicle maintenance: modern EV Batteries are designed to be easily removed from the vehicle, for both service and/or replacement purposes.
However, although they may be simple to remove in theory (ie, a few bolts and a plug to remove), in practice safely removing a large battery which can weigh anything up to 600kg is not exactly ‘easy’. While the OE vehicle manufacturers will generally have their own model specific solutions, these are often very expensive to acquire, even if they are actually available to the general market.

Turn to Laser Tools — the number one name for electric vehicle maintenance with the UK’s largest range of insulated tools and workshop safety equipment. The company has recently introduced two new products, designed specifically for safely removing such batteries. The EV battery-lifting frame (part number 8338) and the EV mobile battery bench (part number 8339) are suitable for ‘all-makes’ applications. Although both are individual items, and can be purchased and used independently, they are designed to be used in conjunction with each other as a complete battery removal process.

The mobile battery bench is used under a standard two-post vehicle lift — the bench legs are adjusted to suit the angle of the base of the battery on the vehicle. The vehicle is then lowered onto the surface of the bench, and the battery securing fasteners, etc, are removed. Raising the vehicle allows the mobile bench with battery to be rolled away.

The battery-lifting frame is used for lifting the battery off the mobile battery bench for repair or replacement and for lifting a new battery from its packing crate ready for installation. It is fully adjustable to accommodate the length and width of the battery, and positioning of the lifting eyes. It can also be adjusted to accommodate batteries which vary in height along their length due to control modules, etc, by adjusting the chain lengths. This adjustability is critical in being able to maintain stable horizontal lifting for safety reasons.

Designed and manufactured in Sheffield by Laser Tools and available now from your Laser Tools stockist.

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