Engine Timing for Mercedes-Benz

Thursday 01 April 2010
Another new timing tool kit hits the market. This time the tools cover a vast array of models with Chain driven engines from Mercedes Benz and the PT Cruiser 2.2 CRD and Jeep Grand Cherokee 2.7 CRD from Chrysler.

This set made in Sheffield, includes two Flywheel Locking Tool (OEM 601589024000 & 602589004000) which are usually fitted to the bell housing location points from where the starter motor has been removed, necessary to prevent the flywheel from turning when releasing and re-tightening the crankshaft sprocket.

The list of applications this tool covers for Mercedes Benz is considerable.

For further information go to www.lasertools.co.uk/toolpoint and enter your model and engine code etc.