Friday 06 January 2012
With many modern cars having deep seated spark plugs it is easy to damage the spark plug threads, usually at the top of the port. Even slightly damaged threads can make fitting a new spark plug difficult if not impossible, and the threads get damaged more as you struggle to fit the plug.

The traditional method is to use a tap or chaser to clean up the threads but the inherent danger is swarf or metal debris entering the combustion chamber. Plus there is still the danger of the tap or chaser itself cross-threading and making the situation worse.

The new Laser Spark Plug Thread Restorer set (part number: 5278) gets round these problems by working from the inside out. The tool is coated with grease and fits down past the threads; it is then expanded to the correct thread diameter and unwound starting at the “good” threads, eliminating the chances of cross-threading and bringing the resultant swarf and debris up out of the spark plug port with the tool.

Two tools are included in the set, for 14mm and 12mm spark plugs. For further details, please contact the Marketing Department: 01926 818196